The Course
Hey there, future trendsetter! Dive into the cutting-edge realm where innovation meets execution with a curriculum designed to arm you with the skills needed to master emerging technologies and market trends. Ever felt like you're playing catch-up with the world's rapid changes? Worry no more! We're talking about getting the inside scoop on blockchain, AI, IoT, and whatever's looming on the horizon. This is your chance to not just keep pace but set the pace in your industry. Learn how to predict market shifts, leverage new tech, and create strategies that make waves.
And here's the kicker – it's not just about knowing the cool stuff; it's about applying it. Imagine transforming your workplace or business by implementing forward-thinking ideas before they're on everyone's radar. By the end of this journey, you'll be the go-to person for what's NEXT, confidently driving innovation and making decisions that are rooted in a deep understanding of where the world is headed. Our hands-on approach ensures you'll be putting theory into practice, leaving you equipped to turn the 'next big things' into your big wins. Let's lead the charge in shaping the future!
What you will learn
When kicking off this journey, my aim was to carefully craft a learning pathway that would make the complex simple, and the daunting, doable. I know how starting can be the hardest part, so every module you'll tackle has been meticulously designed to empower you with the confidence and clarity needed to master the fundamentals. This isn't your typical theory-heavy slog; it's a hands-on, straight-to-the-point guide that's packed with practical exercises and real-world examples. With each step, you'll feel the pieces clicking into place, building a solid foundation from which you can grow and excel. And don't worry, I've structured everything in bite-sized chunks—that means no overwhelming info dumps—just clear, actionable content that'll have you up and running in no time.
- Introduction (38:00)
- Configuration de Shadcn (7:54)
- Rappel fetch dans un composant React (client) (20:31)
- Exposer des API REST (Route Handler) (13:21)
- Fetch dans un React Server Component (27:01)
- Server Actions (49:11)
- Optimistic UI (39:11)
- Formulaire, validation (client) (35:27)
- useActionState : Validation Serveur (36:58)
- Form : Validation Client / Serveur (37:18)
- Challenges (3:44)
- Introduction (33:12)
- Static Rendering (18:43)
- Dynamic Rendering (dynamic functions) (30:50)
- Dynamic Rendering - Cookies - Headers - Fetch (22:45)
- Dynamic Rendering (Cache options) (5:15)
- Streaming (Loading et Skeleton) (16:24)
- Client Component - External Librairy (20:05)
- Composition Patterns (32:25)
- Comprendre l’hydratation (28:55)
- Challenges (4:05)
- Introduction (17:56)
- Routes Login / Register / Logout (6:20)
- Authentification - Validation server action (38:59)
- Credentials - Persistance - Encryption (18:21)
- Session Management - Cookies (22:37)
- Session Management JWT - DTO - Cache (35:13)
- HOC User Session (15:36)
- Auth redirection (client/server) (8:25)
- Database Session Management (53:07)
- Strategy Pattern (12:02)
- Next Middleware (20:09)
- Middleware - AuthZ (Authorization) (18:48)
- Autorization (AuthZ) Server Action (24:59)
- Librairie Next-Auth (46:06)
- Challenges (2:47)
- Introduction (31:45)
- Client / Pool et Requête SQL Native (25:16)
- Scripts de gestion (10:32)
- Construire une app en SQL Natif (15:33)
- ORM - Modélisation avec Drizzle (26:32)
- Drizzle KIT - Génération / Migration (19:38)
- Relation One To One (29:17)
- Relation One To Many (28:15)
- Relation Many To Many (41:49)
- Create Read Update Delete (20:14)
- Pagination (19:55)
- Dynamics Queries (18:14)
- Transactions (14:51)
- Challenges (2:32)
- Introduction (35:01)
- Prise en main (16:24)
- Les repositories (persistance) (29:18)
- Service Layout (14:26)
- Service d’authentification (9:20)
- Validations Layers (40:10)
- Autorisation (50:56)
- Autorisation - Dynamique UI (17:07)
- Data Acces Layer - Data Transfert Object (27:10)
- Logging (31:22)
- Les interceptors (17:19)
- Les facades (8:12)
- Optimisation (19:18)
- Déploiement
- Challenges
- Introduction (23:42)
- Configurer Vitest + Next (8:34)
- Test de Composant React (Testing librairie) (21:37)
- Test Service : Autorisation (23:48)
- Test de la couche validation (Zod) (20:07)
- Test de la couche service (avec DAO mocké) (38:39)
- Tests de la persistance (37:09)
- Tests Persistance - Docker (18:36)
- Tests intégration (14:21)
- Tests End To End (69:42)
- Introduction (11:38)
- Initialisation du projet (16:45)
- Next-Auth Resend (31:59)
- React Email (16:54)
- Dashboard Layout / Session Account (23:12)
- Feature : Tracker de finance (Model / Table) (77:18)
- Feature : Tracker de Heath(Model / Table) (25:39)
- Formulaire / Modal (36:35)
- Chart Finance (ReChart) (29:38)
- Chart Health Bar (18:06)
- Créer un Dashboard optimisé (19:06)
- Role Based Access Control (31:24)
- Gérer les profils publics (24:42)
- RBAC / DTO / Filter Attribute (36:15)
- Actions conditionnées au RBAC (23:58)
- Mettre en place les tests avec Vitest (43:52)
- Optimisation SSG (47:01)
- Husky (3:56)
- Github Action (8:56)
- Challenges (6:12)
- Introduction (9:35)
- Rappel HTML / CSS (12:50)
- Les Scripts (7:13)
- JavaScript - Variables et types (18:02)
- JavaScript - Fonctions (16:57)
- JavaScript - Arrays et Boucles (11:02)
- JavaScript - Objects (15:13)
- JavaScript - Conditions - Opérateurs de comparaison (22:56)
- JavaScript - Manipuler le DOM (20:18)
- JavaScript - Les Evènements (16:38)
- Challenges (3:35)
- Introduction ES6 / Installation (22:01)
- ESModule Import / Export (15:28)
- Template Literals (7:31)
- Destructuring, Shorthand property names (11:14)
- Fonctions fléchées (9:00)
- Nullish Coalishing / Optionnel Chaining / Ternaire (16:52)
- Array : Les Méthodes courantes (21:36)
- Promises et fonctions Asynchrones (18:51)
- Challenges (3:59)

Your instructor
Mike Codeur has spent over a decade navigating the challenging and ever-evolving landscape of technology and has established himself as a beacon for those seeking to conquer the NEXT Mastery course. With hands-on experience from the ground up, Mike not only brings a treasure trove of technical knowledge to his students but also a genuine understanding of how skills mastered today can evolve into the careers of tomorrow. His journey through coding, system architecture, and software development has not only empowered his own career but also fueled his dedication to educate and inspire others.
At the heart of Mike's teaching philosophy lies a core belief that learning is a lifelong journey, one that he is both a guide and a fellow traveler on. His connection to the NEXT Mastery course is not just professional—it is his passion project, crafted with the intent to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Mike's enthusiasm is contagious, and his approach is tailored to unlock the potential within each of his students. With his guidance, learners uncover the intricate layers of technical mastery, moving confidently towards a future where they too can stand at the forefront of technological innovation.

Unlocking Potential in the Era of Innovation

Navigating Complexity with Vision and Purpose

Cultivating Leadership for Tomorrow's Challenges